Press Release
Didi Jérémie is one of the most inspired and prolific composers of his generation in his field. Versatility and diversity are the hallmark of his vocal and song-writing talents. With more than 25 years of experience in Christian music and 15 albums releases, he owes his many hits, for the most part, to the accessibility of his music and the originality of his lyrics, with new slogans or images that are easy for the public to assimilate. He has lured the attention of even non-church members.
Didi also takes (and wins) the bet of addressing taboo or unexplored subjects in the field, with the appropriate delicacy for his audience, such as the beauty of others, or the question of sex before marriage.
His music is simple, fluid, infused with local rhythms, with American, European and African influences. He is also one of the few singers of Catholic Christian music to have succeeded in winning over a large fan base both within his own community and among other Christian congregations.
Didi also had the privilege of being invited to the prestigious show "Dana and Friends" on EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) which is the largest Catholic television and religious media network in the world, an unprecedented invitation for a Haitian artist. He has also represented Haitian gospel in various cities of North America and the Caribbean, and with his talent, his closeness to those for whom he sings and his generosity, will continue for a long time to come to mark Christian music.
Didi also had the privilege of being invited to the prestigious show "Dana and Friends" on EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) which is the largest Catholic television and religious media network in the world, broadcasting in more than 140 countries and territories and can be received by satellite, cable, if necessary by internet or by radio. An unprecedented invitation for a Haitian artist. He has also represented Haitian gospel in various cities of North America and the Caribbean, and with his talent, his closeness to those for whom he sings and his generosity, will continue for a long time to come to mark Christian music.
Didi Jérémie est l'un des compositeurs des plus inspirés et des plus prolifiques de sa génération dans son milieu. Avec plus de 25 ans d'expérience dans la musique chrétienne et 15 albums à son actif, il doit ses nombreux hits, en majorité, à l'accessibilité de sa musique et à l'originalité de ses textes, avec des slogans inédits, ou des images faciles à être assimilées par le public.
Didi prend (et gagne) aussi le pari de traiter de sujets tabous ou inexploités dans le milieu, avec la délicatesse appropriée pour son public, comme la beauté de l'autre, ou encore la question du sexe avant le mariage.
Sa musique est simple, fluide, imprégnée des rythmes locaux, avec des influences américaines, européennes et africaines. il est aussi l'un des rares chanteurs de la musique chrétienne catholique à avoir réussi à se faire beaucoup de fans à la fois dans sa propre communauté et au sein d'autres congrégations chrétiennes.
Didi a aussi eu le privilège d'être invité à la prestigieuse émission "Dana and Friends" sur EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) qui est le plus important réseau de télévision catholique et le réseau de média religieux le plus vaste au monde, diffusée dans plus de 140 pays et territoires et peut être captée par satellite, cable, au besoin par internet ou par la radio. Une invitation sans précédent pour un artiste haïtien. Il a aussi représenter le gospel haïtien à travers différentes villes de l'Amérique du Nord et de la caraïbes, et avec son talent, sa proximité avec ceux pour lesquels il chante et sa générosité, continuera encore longtemps à marquer la musique chrétienne.